Almost eerily, the black tarmac starts moving. It looks surreal until
we realise that the train is in motion. Station buildings slowly
disappear behind us, revealing majestic Table Mountain. We are on our
The Prasa train drivers surely are professionals.

our way to a destination some ten hours' travel ahead of us. We travel
for about an hour through suburban Cape Town, across the fringes of the
Cape Flats and then onwards, to the north. During this section, someone
decides to read a little as this is know territory. The compartments are
neat and clean, as we have found thus far on no less than six times
over the past six months. I have also asked permission to visit a train
prior to departure and found it to be spic & span. Seven times
lucky, dispelling the myth of "dirty trains."
We found the wash basin to be very neat and clean as well. It is situated underneath the fold-up table.

After about an hour's travel, we find ourselves on the border between Boland and Swartland.
are greeted by technical crews. These people ensure that our railroad
is safe to travel upon. Friendly waving and a hoot. A few minutes later,
rain starts pouring down and I put my camera away to prevent water
Pass is where there is an opportunity to take a picture of
ShosholozaMeyl making its way around the bends. A photogenic moment.
arrive in Worcester where we stop for fifteen or twenty minutes. This
station is the scene of many local and international film shoots, also
for filing commercials.
the train manager blows his whistle, we slowly edge forward, almost
imperceptibly. The drivers just know how to smoothly put hundreds of
metric tons into motion without spilling a drop of water.
We now travel
on to the Hex River Valley, home of deciduous fruit and especially table
grapes. Also mountains capped with thick snow in winter, but it is
November 2016 and we only see the majestic cliffs.
Lunch! Sirloin steak at just R95 (prices may differ, subject to availability)
- Sirloin Steak
Here is the menu for your convenience
- Dining Car Menu
we travel through a series of railway tunnels, easing the steep
inclines of the Hex River Pass. The longest of these tunnels is roughly
fourteen kilometres.
- Hex River Tunnel
emerge on the Moordenaarskaroo side of things. The name means 'murderer
Karoo" for its unforgiving arid harshness and the challenges to survive
while farming livestock.
- Karoo Landscape near Laingsburg
travel at a good pace and our final destination, Beaufort West, is just
half an hour away when the sun starts setting. It reflects with its
golden lustre upon the side of the train.
strikes as we slowly roll into the station at Beaufort West, a few
minutes ahead of the scheduled time, concluding a pleasant journey.
- Nuweveld Sunset
We were collected from Beaufort West Railway Station for our next adventure at Steenbokkie Private Game Reserve.
Contact me should you have any comments or need further information. You may also visit the Prasa website for train routes & tariffs.
Finally, some essential travel tips.
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